Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Living and Breathing

Do we embrace it? Are we capable of adapting to it as quickly as it happens? Are you willing you be a part of it? Do we even notice when it happens?

Today, I took a step back, and noticed my surroundings. Now I'm not just talking about blinking and watch them pass by, but really truly noticing each detail that encompasses my life. Scary, right?
The answer to that is, yes it is indeed scary. I don't even know how to take all of it in. There are so many little things that play a role in building up the big things. And most of the time it is those big things within our lives that make everything roll and function. I'd like to think that the energy in my life is produced by a small little person, (maybe an elf or something similar) running around on a hamster wheel, powering everything. Sadly, this is probably, and by that I mean definitely, not the case. Would be cool though. Yet, I noticed that there is so much in my life that has changed. From dynamics within friendships, to the way I apply mascara, to the tiny way I separate all my food on my plate so that it doesn't touch, and to the extreme decision of choosing to live my life for Christ. What if this change didn't occur? Or, what if I didn't even notice that it occurred... To tell you the truth, I'm not sure of the answer to any of this, but it really does cause me to wonder.
At the end of the day, however, I still don't have any answers....On the other hand, God has every single answer to every single question - before I even ask it. Such a peace is found in knowing that, it's okay for me not to know everything, its okay for me to be curious and wonder. Because I know where my love is found.

So, today I leave you with this simple thought....

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

1 comment:

Catherine West said...

I do not like change, but sometimes change is a good thing! So grateful for your ability to see God at work in your life!