Thursday, January 7, 2010

Capturing beauty.

Whilst traveling to Toronto this morning, I was taken aback by the conversation occurring two seats in front of me. An elderly man, chose seats next to a university student who was probably close to my age or a bit older. Now I know its rude to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help turning down the volume of my music just to hear the laughter they were sharing, it was beautiful. Two strangers carrying out conversation, and just laughing, it seemed so surreal and so pure. To be honest, I have no idea what they were discussing, but I know the laughter was real.
Now you may be thinking, why in the world am I going on about this - but its a big deal. Think about it, how often do we stop and talk to the person sitting in that seat next to us, let along smile and laugh with them. Hardly, we have become a society of silence non-verbal communication. We would much rather send a text message or email. Why is this such a huge craze? Don't get me wrong, I am definitely one who you could diagnose with this self-made definition - "phoneophobia" (the fear of using the telephone), but today something changed.
And so as I left the bus, I slowed down to examine my surroundings, and took notice of all the people, the people in groups talking away, those smiling, those standing alone waiting, and those filling the area with the sounds of laughter. I realized, that we can capture and take hold of beauty in any situation. For me, this morning, it was their laughter, and in that moment, I praised God for who He is in my life, and the happiness and beauty I find in Him.

4-5 All you saints! Sing your hearts out to God!
Thank him to his face!
He gets angry once in a while, but across
a lifetime there is only love.
The nights of crying your eyes out
give way to days of laughter.

When thinking about all of this, I was reminded of this verse in Psalm 30:3-5 (from the message). Now, usually I'm not a fan of the message, but for this particular verse, it fits what I'm trying to say perfectly. So live a little, laugh a little more, and love a lot.

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