Monday, April 5, 2010

Favorite Things.

I should really be studying right now. Or writing my second essay. But I had this burst of creativity, and I needed to do something with it! Since I would feel guilty for spending half the day being artsy, I just decided to blog. Fair 'nuff right? Exactly what I thought.

Today, I suppose I wanted to just jot down a few of my favorite things. I feel in this day and age, we take things for granted so quickly. So rather than forgetting the things that make my smile go from ear to ear, I want to take a few minutes to dwell on them, and remind myself why they are so important in my life. 

1. Jesus. My number one. Everyday, all day. He never stops loving me, even though I can do some pretty sinful things. He's my go-to guy. Where He calls me, I will go, without question. Okay, I lie, maybe a little bit of question or hesitation depending on what the situation is.
I love discovering more about Him, and realizing how vast this love truly is, and how small I truly am. We are truly a blessed nation to be chosen by Him, and not forgotten. Wow. 
2. Family and Friends. I honestly don't know if I could go a day without talking to my family through some form of communication. Ask anybody. I'm constantly bbm'ing my brother or talking on skype with my parents or facebook chat with my mom. (Check out her website!) I just love them so much. Friends - You all make me laugh SO hard, and I love every minute of it. I love random dance parties with you and just talking about the serious things in life. There is such a comfort knowing that regardless of the day, I can turn to my friends for advice and a laugh.
3. Laughter. I used to hate my laugh. But then one day, I realized I can't change it. So I might as well roll with it. And now I laugh all the time. Be warned, my laugh changes depending on how funny something is or what mood I'm in. It's kind of like a slot machine, you're never going to know which laugh you get. All part of the fun I suppose :) 
4. Rain. I love the way rain falls. The way each drop was so intricately designed before it fell to the ground and melded into a huge puddle. I love the way rain drops look on flowers after the rain has passed, or the way it allows everybody to open up the most beautiful umbrellas and rain coats. When it rains, it's like a parade of color. 
5. Photography. This probably should have been a little higher in the list, but I suppose this isn't really in any particular order. Actually it is, I just went and copy and pasted everything to rearrange it. So yes, this is my order. But photography is my passion. It is my career, I never want to be without camera. I'm here to capture the moments that others would have overlooked. I want my photography to love out loud. 
6. Fashion. I suppose this is a little vain. But I love the aspects of the fashion world. The colour, the design, the meshing of patterns that you would never put together, and then somehow having it look so completely put together. I could flip through fashion magazines all day, just mesmerized at the combinations. 
7. Music. From Piano, to Cello, to Guitar, to Voice. I love it all. Okay, so I can't exactly play the cello anymore, but I used to be able to and in my mind that counts for something. :) Essentially, I love music. I love that my friends are talented musicians (You know who you are!), who one day will have CDs repping their love for Christ. Being a part of music employs a sense of freedom. Freedom to sing at the top of your lungs and have it sound horrible, or sing quietly to yourself and it be beautiful. 
8. Pickles. I actually love pickles so much. I don't even know why. They're just delicious. Whenever I'm home, I eat them out of the jar. They are just tasty. If you don't like pickles, this is the end of our friendship. Of course, I'm just kidding. 
9. Coffee. Coffee, Tea, Lattes. You name it, I love it. I love coffee shops, the atmosphere, the music, the scent. I could sit in one all day and just do nothing. Ask my friends. I'm always asking to get coffee. Always. 
10. Undecided. For my tenth favorite thing, I'm going to leave it as undecided. Because although the unknown scares me, I love the comfort I can find in Christ when dealing with the unknown. At the end of the day, He knows what it will become, and that is just so cool! Maybe next time I write a favorite things, my undecided will be decided. 

This is completely random, and I'm sure I'm going to look back at this later today and say something along the lines of "Shoot, I totally meant to mention that in my favorite things, I love it!" But, for now, I'm going to leave this as is, and just remember that there is so much more then 10 things that I love.

So, what are your 10 favorite things? I'd love to hear! 

These are my 10 favorite things, and I love them everyday. 

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